Peck Memorial Library
Is hosting an Essay/Artistic Contest
Kindness is for Everyone!
Sponsored by Richard & Karen Stearns and Charlie & Kristy Forkey
The contest begins November 1st and runs through November 30th. You can type or print with great care in your penmanship. Although grammar and punctuation are important we realize that some people may be able to communicate better through art. We want you to think with your heart. If you type you can email your entry to director@peckmemoriallibrary.org. If you are sending an artistic element or printing please bring to the library during our open hours. Deadline for submission will be November 30th at 5 pm. This contest is open to Marathon School District and library patrons only!
Submissions need to have first and last name, address, phone number and your grade. Please if you have an email address include that also. There are 4 categories. Please make sure your child picks the right subject for their category for their essay!
Preschool— Kindness in Action! Have your child draw a picture of them being kind or an act of kindness that they have seen. Parents please talk to your child and in one or 2 sentences write about what the picture conveys.
Kindergarten—3rd grade— What is kindness? How have I or how will I be kind? If you are an artist and would like to include an artistic element that would be great but not necessary. Submissions can be typed or printed with great care. Parents you may help your child to make sure that is is readable, but we ask that the content be from your child.
4th—8th grade— Kindness is a Choice! What does that mean to you? What is kindness and how can I incorporate kindness in my life? Please use these as prompts when you consider your answer. If you are an artist and would like to include an artistic element that would be great, but it is not necessary.
9th—12th grade— Intentional Kindness, Kindness as a Lifestyle – How can I (have I) incorporate kindness in my everyday lifestyle? If you are an artist and would like to include an artistic element that would be great, but it is not necessary.
Submission requirements for essays for 4th—12th grades: Document should be in 12 point type, Times New Roman font, double spaced with 1 inch margins. Include the title of your work at the beginning of this document. Make sure you include your name, address, phone number and your grade. Accepted file types : Word documents (.doc or .docx) or PDF . Your submission should be no more that 2 pages and written in English. The prize for each category is a beautiful new bike! Come to the library to see them!